Software Repository
The Software Repository will have all the essential software that you will need in the labratory.

FIRGA Computers Software List
- Altair 2019
- Anaconda 3.0
- ArcGIS
- Ansys (Full 2019 Suite)
- Aspen V11 (Full Suite)
- AutoDesk 2020 (AutoCad, Revit, Plant, Civil, Inventor etc)
- AWR Design Environment 14
- Blend for Visual Studio
- Business Objects Enterprsie 11
- CES Edupack 2019
- Codeblocks
- Civil Designer 8.0
- CST Studio Suite 2020
- DWG Trueview
- Dassault Abaqus
- Docker
- Eclipse (Java C++)
- Factsage 6.2
- FlownexSE 8.11.1
- Google Earth Pro
- Intel Parallel Studio XE 2018
- Lockdown Browser
- Matlab 2019b
- Microsoft Office 2019 (Full suite)
- Microsot Publiser
- Microsoft Visio
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Marc 2019″
- Mendeley Desktop
- Mike 2020 (View, Zero, Animator Plus)
- Oracle Virtuabox
- Polymath 6.2
- Prokon
- Prosim Ternary
- Putty
- Python 3.8.0
- R & R Studio 3.6.1
- Rocscience (Various Applications)
- Scilab 6.0.2
- Siemens NX 11.0
- Siemans Tecnomatix 15.1
- Smath Studio
- Statistica 13
- Notepad ++
- Novapdf 9
- Statistica 13
- Tecla BIMsight
- Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 15.1
- Uconeer
- Visual Studio 2019
- VRAND Design Studio 14.0